Cpa Exam Study Materials
If you want to pass the CPA Exam, you should study for the CPA Exam. It is one of the most difficult professional exams to pass. According to AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), only a paltry 46% pass the exam which is given at Prometric testing centers across the U.S. and its territories.
Improve your chances of passing by preparing with a great set of study tools and accurate CPA Exam Simulations. Interestingly enough, the Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) section of the CPA Exam had the lowest pass rate of the four exam parts in 2009. Why? People sitting for the exam admitted they studied BEC less than the other sections.
Ideally, study materials should break down large blocks of knowledge into small, Bite-Sized LessonsSM which can be completed in about 30 minutes. A lesson should include study materials which address the needs of various learning styles: professors video lectures will appeal to auditory learners while professor-authored study texts will appeal to visual learners. A candidate should select those study materials which support the candidate’s learning style.
CPAexcel offers more study tools than any other course. CPAexcel study materials include: professor mentoring, professor video lectures with printable slides, professor-authored textbooks, Personalized Exam Planning, Course Manager, Private Study Groups, Proficiency Questions, Past Exam Questions; Simulations, Electronic Flash Cards, Exam Tutor, Diagnostic Exams, Performance Metrics, Simulated CPA Exams, Online Library and CPAexcel Final Review.
CPA Exam Reviews: Getting ready to sit for the CPA Exam means that you need to know the CPA Exam Schedule (and set your test date) and then use a variety of study materials to prepare to pass the exam.
Depending on your learning style, you might select certain of these study tools: *CPA Exam Sample Questions *CPA Exam Forum and Student Discussion Groups *Private Study Groups *CPA Exam sample and CPA Exam Simulations *CPA Exam Review books, including Electronic and printed study texts *Professor Mentoring *Professors’ video lectures and printable slides *Diagnostic Exams *Proficiency Questions *Digital CPA Flash Cards *Performance Metrics *Exam Tutor, and *Final Review.
There are a number of providers for CPA Exam Reviews. CPAexcel recruits top university accounting professors to mentor and author their study materials while other companies simply hire grad students who hit “Play” on a Power Point presentation or a canned video lecture. CPAexcel publishes new textbooks twice a year while another course updates their books only once each year, which means those students are possibly paying for textbooks which are not current enough for the exam. CPAexcel’s books are always current!