Preparing high school students for an upcoming exam can take several paths. Most teachers are going to conduct in class reviews of materials and provide students with study materials. Another option that is available is to develop a study guide for your students. This study guide does not need to provide students with answers to possible exam questions, but it needs to provide them with a guide on what to study.

Topic Guides

One type of study guide that can be developed for high school students is the topic guide. This type of guide will outline the topics that will be covered in an exam. The topics can be listed according to their chronology in the textbook, or according to alphabetical order.

The development of this study guide can take several paths. The first option is to provide information about each topic in an outline format. This information can be based on the main points from the text or it can include pertinent concepts, formulas and other supplemental information related to the topic. The second option is to create a topic outline and to list questions under each topic. The students will then answer the questions to prepare them for the exam.

Sample Question Study Guides

The second type of study guide that can be developed for high school students is a sample question study guide. This type of study guide, as its name indicates, will be developed around sample questions. These questions will relate to the topics and concept that will be covered in the actual exam.

When selecting sample questions teachers will want to focus on the type of questions being asked and the information that is being covered by the questions. The sample questions will need to reflect that type of questions being asked on the real exam. For example, if the exam is going to be made up of only essay questions then the study guide needs to include essay questions. It is also a good idea to provide a sample answer sheet. This will help students understand how to format their answers and to determine how long their answers need to be.

Lecture Notes Study Guides

Lecture notes make great study guides for high school students. Lecture notes can be taken by students, however, it is also a good idea to publish your own lecture notes on your schools website or on your own website. Students can log into their student accounts and download the lecture notes. These notes will contain the information that you feel is important and will most likely be more complete than the notes taken by students.

Interactive Study Guides

Another option is to create an interactive study guide. This study guide will basically be an online quiz. Students can log into the quiz portal and answer questions that come up. This will help them cover the types of questions that will be on the final exam and it will help them to become more familiar with the materials that will be covered in the final exam. There are many free online quiz sites that you can use to create your practice exams.